Is Your Life So Full It Feels Empty?
Are you exhausted trying to DO it all, BE it all and HAVE it all?
Are you fed up of pleasing everyone else but YOU?
Is STRESS ruling your life?
Do you wish you could get off that burnout treadmill?
What happens if you don't?
We all experience challenges in life. Sometimes we deal with issues straight away but often we ignore them or put them ‘on hold’ to sort them out later.
Later never comes as we keep prioritising on other things. Why would we want to wake up sleeping dogs?
Years go by, pressure builds up, stress levels rise and there’s going to be a time when the bubble bursts. Whether you call it breakdown or burnout – the damage is done. Your system collapses.

You see, heavy workload and being busy at work are not the only stress factors. In fact, people assume that when they’re stressed, it’s because they have too much work or just a busy lifestyle. While this is often the case, it's by far not the only cause of stress. If this was the only cause of stress, life would be a lot easier. Sadly, it isn’t as simple as that.
I would agree that a heavy workload can get your stress levels up, but it is something that can be resolved by learning and practising better time management skills. It is easier to solve because it is a recognised stress factor whereas stressors like the loss of a job or the loss of a loved one, a divorce or depression can cause even more stress that might not be recognised as stress.
There are so many other types of stress that have a much more serious impact on your well-being and your life in general and need to be addressed too.

We never really question what the sources of stress are, we only ever identify stress as stress. And, even though there are hundreds of different types of stress, I’d like to highlight a few of the most profound stress types:
Emotional Stress
Nutritional Stress
Spiritual Stress
Physical Stress
Emotional Stress
Often mistaken as something only women experience, I’d like to point out that both, men and women can experience high levels of emotional stress, however, studies show that women are more prone to emotional and psychological stress which can be a result of an argument, disagreement, physical and verbal abuse and so on.
The main difference is how it’s dealt with. Women tend to talk about problems more often than men but the consequences of repressing emotions can affect the well-being of both genders in a negative way.
It is extremely important to realise that your emotional stability is crucial for managing stress properly.
Nutritional Stress
Being nutritionally depleted leads to a weak immune system. Your body is unable to cultivate a healthy stress response if it’s deprived of important nutrients. Depriving your body from nutrients can lead to fatigue, anxiety depression and much worse.
Imagine you’re under constant stress. Your body burns up vitamins and minerals rapidly which often result in lack of magnesium and depletion of vitamins B6 and B12. These are ever so important as your body needs those nutrients to help you provide a calming energy. In addition, poor blood sugar regulation results in major stress to the system.
Managing stress becomes a challenge when your body is deficient of vital nutrients.
Physical Stress
These days we lead a more sedentary and busy lifestyle and people often find it difficult to exercise and focus on self-care in general. It is evident that the world is experiencing a health-care crisis or, as I would say, self-care crisis.
Every third person in the western world is overfed but undernourished. With a growing obesity problem come many other problems such as cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. All of these contribute to high levels of stress – physical stress as well as emotional and mental stress.
I won't go into too much detail as I'm sure you can see where I'm going. Generally, lack of nutrition, lack of physical exercise and mental instability in combination of poor sleep, lack of spirituality and spending little to no time in nature lead to enormously high levels of stress which can be avoided or at least reduced if attended properly. These create the perfect basis for stress overload which often lead to burnout when ignored.
Spiritual Stress
Spiritual people aren’t necessarily religious. You can experience spirituality without belong to any religion. Nature, for example, is seen as an unlimited source of spiritual enlightenment as well as a source of inspiration.
Spirituality is a great aide in healing from stress. It keeps us grounded and balanced and it teaches us the principles of mindfulness.
Lacking spirituality can hold us back in personal growth, personal development and living a happy and joyful life. Not knowing your purpose in life can trigger a higher level of stress over a long period of time.
I believe that my holistic approach to coaching can make transformations last.
These are just a few stress factors but some of the most important ones to be aware of and, if left ignored, they can lead to serious physical and mental health problems.
But don't worry - there's a way out of misery!
- without medication
- without therapy
- without drugs
It's called Health Coaching!
I have experienced burnout myself and it took me a few years to figure out how to get off that treadmill and live the life I desire. That’s one of the reasons why I became a Health Coach (click here to learn more about health coaching). The other reason is that I deeply care about people and their well-being.
My MISSION is to contribute to the well-being of this planet and its people.
My PASSION is to help YOU break that vicious cycle and reclaim your health. Your life should be filled with joy, fun, happiness, love and great health.
It is for that reason that I have created my 8 week Peak Energy Experience for people like you who are fed up of not having the health they desire and for not having a life at all!
This programme is designed for high achievers who are tired of trying to prove they can do it all, be it all and have it all and who are ready to re-define what their health, happiness and success really mean to them.
My holistic approach has proven to be successful and working on a small step by step basis helps my clients create the desired transformations that last.
Wouldn't it be great to
– feel upbeat, bright and sharp?
– be able to stay focused all day long?
– feel positive and joyful?
– double your energy?
– enjoy a deep and restful sleep?
- feel and look at least 10 years younger?
- thrive sexually?
– have fun just the way you used to?
– knowing your life purpose and turn it into something great?
Uncover what’s stopping you from having the health you desire and how you can manage stress better.
Learn more about my 8 week Peak Energy Experience Programme and how working with me can get you your desired outcomes.

All you need to do is schedule your COMPLIMENTARY 45 minute strategy call with me and uncover what's stopping you or holding you back from living a stress-free and healthy life.
Beauty comes from within so start with a healthy lifestyle.